Percutaneous Electrolysis Therapy (EPTE)
Percutaneous electrolysis therapy (EPTE) is a revolutionary technique used to treat tendinopathies. It uses galvanic micro-currents so that the application is practically painless for the patient. This technique is quite effective: application is quick and patient recovery times are greatly reduced.
Therapeutic percutaneous electrolysis is an invasive technique that consists of the application of galvanic micro-currents via an acupuncture needle and guided using ultrasound for maximum precision and facilitated access to the injured area of the tendon. The objective is to induce a physical reaction in the tendon, provoking the controlled inflammation necessary to stimulate and activate the body’s self-recovery mechanisms, which by themselves have not been able to regenerate tendon fibers.
In short, it is a technique in which a micro-current is applied via a needle in order to activate the regeneration processes in the injured tissue.
Indicated for all types of patients, EPTE is ideal for elite athletes, but also for other patients who come in with tendon problems.
• Degenerative tendinopathy previously assessed with ultrasound:
• Rotator cuff tendinopathy
• Patellar Tendinopathy
• Achilles Tendinopathy
• Epicondylitis
• Epitrochleitis
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Pubalgia
• Clotting problems
• Wounds or scars, tattoos, skin infections
• Lymphadenectomies
• Allergies to metals (nickel)
• Pregnancy
• Fear of needles
• Osteosynthesis
• Heart disease
• Infectious synovitis
• Severe osteoporosis
• Cancer patients